We’ve worked long and hard to put together a full resource of our most Frequently Asked Questions received from people considering Business Coaching, Sales Training or Business Consulting services, for Business Brokers.
We trust you’ll find the answers to most of the common questions here, however if you don’t, please feel free to swing across to our Contact Us page and get in touch with us, via your favoured method of communication.
Our friendly team is here on standby and we very much look forward to the opportunity of serving you!
What is Business Coaching?
What a great question! Business Coaching could best be described as a collaborative relationship and service provided by a professional Business Coach and offered to a Business Owner or CEO, who wishes to strategically improve their business performance and/or profitability, or both.
Business Coaching is designed to help you first and foremost, take stock of where you are and what you’ve achieved, look at where you’d like to go, and then identify what’s currently holding you back. From there, the Business Owner and Coach will set a plan in place, to assist you in achieving your business goals, that align with your values and core beliefs, both in the business and life in general. Thereafter, the Business Coach will hold the Business Owner or client accountable for their actions.
Should you wish to seek further information about the positive results Business Coaching could have on your Business Brokerage business, we would very much welcome your enquiry. And for those who may be interested, we do offer you the opportunity to indulge in a FREE Coaching Session. Just ask when you enquire.
We hope that answers your question about… What is Business Coaching?
How to choose the right Business Coach?
Firstly, it is imperative that you are comfortable with whom you choose to be your Business Coach. Therefore, we offer a Free Business Coaching Session, so we can each assess if we are a good fit to work together. This gives you, the client, an opportunity to try our services, along with providing a feeling of confidence, that we can assist you, before you commit.
Secondly, it’s just as important, to choose a Business Coach who is a seasoned business professional, particularly in your niche. Someone who has achieved recognition and outstanding results with other Business Brokers within the Business Broking industry.
Additionally, it might pay you to choose a Business Coach who regularly attends continuing professional development courses, keeping up to date with industry and technology changes, has the latest tools, tips and strategies, in order to assist you to achieve the type of results that you would like to, fast!
We hope that answers your question about… How to choose the right Business Coach?
How much does Business Coaching cost?
We often receive this question from Business Brokers about our services, however, this is, in our opinion, the wrong question! A better question to ask, would be… What return on my investment, will I obtain from Business Coaching?
You see, true Business Broking professionals view Business Coaching as an investment in themselves and their business, and ‘not’ an expense!
Several of our clients will attest to having received up to a 10x times return on their investment in Coaching. Think about this for a moment…if your Business Coach assists you to get one additional listing, or a business sale, across the line, then your Business Coaching is essentially free for the entire year and potentially, well beyond. How good, right? Well… this is often a regular occurrence for our clients.
Another way to view it is, what will it cost you if you ‘don’t’ invest in Business Coaching? Think about what you aspire to earn over the next 12 months, deduct what you’ve earnt in the preceding 12 months and the result, is the amount it ‘could’ cost you, not to invest in Business Coaching. Don’t risk it – the cost might be too high!
We suggest you call one of our friendly customer service team, to organise a confidential chat about how we may be able to assist, in the selection of the right coaching package for you! If you’re genuinely interested, we’ll even offer you a ‘no’ obligation ‘FREE Business Coaching session’.
We hope that answers your question about… How much does Business Coaching cost?
What does a Business Coach do?
This is another great question! Their role is to help you run a less stressful and more profitable Broking business, listing, and selling more businesses. A good Business Coach will help you, and/or your team, to unlock your true potential and achieve the success, you deserve and desire.
Your Business Coach will assist in identifying your roadblocks and what’s been preventing you from achieving your goals, to date. They’ll help you to reset your goals, they’ll replace confusion with clarity, assist you to set a new plan in place, and push you to smash your new-found goals, whilst trying to keep you accountable along the way.
Everything you discuss with your Business Coach is 100% confidential. They can act as a great sounding board for you to bounce new ideas off, in a secure environment.
A great Business Broker, Business Coach will also move you outside your comfort zone, which is an amazing thing, because this is where the best things happen, and your personal and professional growth comes from.
We hope that answers your question about… What does a Business Coach do?
How often should Coaching take place?
This is your personal choice! At Business Broker Coach we offer you total flexibility, so it’s really up to you, and usually, will mostly depend on how fast and hungry you are, to achieve the success you know you rightly deserve.
There are two key drivers to the success we see our clients achieve with our Coaching, and these are frequency of sessions, and accountability from same. For most clients, Weekly One-on-One Coaching tends to be what they choose and benefit from the most.
However, we offer a full range of frequency and flexibility options to suit your personal requirements. These include, Weekly, Fortnightly, once Monthly, or ad-hoc Casual Coaching sessions. You can select from any of these options. There is also an added option, of either 45-minuteor 60-minute Coaching sessions.
Naturally, based on the goals you’d like to achieve, and how fast you’d like to achieve them, together with your available budget, we’ll most certainly provide you with our recommendation, as to the suggested frequency and length of session, we feel will be most beneficial for you. However, in the end, the choice is 100% yours!
We hope that answers your question about… How often should Coaching take place?
What if I can’t make a Coaching session?
Don’t worry, it does happen from time to time! At Business Broker Coach, we understand that both life and your business will throw you curve balls at times, occasionally making it difficult to keep a Coaching session. We simply ask you not to go and book another appointment at the same time as your Coaching session (then expect us to move your session), once you’ve committed to being coached.
We always try to reschedule your missed session with you immediately, if you cannot make it for genuine reasons. This ensures your progress and momentum won’t be halted by missing a session at your allotted day and time.
Your Coach will confirm every session with you approximately 24 hours prior to commencement, with a confirmation SMS. This is then your opportunity to reschedule (if absolutely necessary).
We hope that answers your question about… What if I can’t make a Coaching session?
How long do Coaching Engagements last?
Basically, we allow our clients to choose the length of their journey with us! Initially however, most Fortnightly or Weekly clients will commit to a 12-month engagement, as this is the time frame when we start to see clients truly benefit from all their hard work – and obtaining the ultimate return on their investment, by smashing through their obstacles and roadblocks, and hitting their desired goals.
Once you’ve had your FREE Coaching Session and have made the decision to move forward, based upon your personal goals, we will discuss our recommendations with you, as to the duration of your initial coaching engagement.
Some of our Business Broker coaching clients have been with us for more than4 years consecutively and see value in continuing to tap into our knowledge and expertise regularly. They tend to view us as a longer-term partner in the ongoing success of their broking business, which results in payday dividends for them.
Whilst other clients come to us, for just a few casual ad-hoc coaching sessions, to overcome some of the immediate challenges they are facing in business. This is fine too. Don’t worry, we’ll find the sweet spot somewhere in between for you.
Our experience shows that clients receive enormous benefit and value from meeting frequently with their Coach, so they can beheld accountable on a regular basis.
Whilst you can expect results right from the outset when being coached, higher levels of achievement and success build over time. So, we’ll usually ask most clients to commit to 12 months initially, at your desired frequency, in order to receive the best value and benefits that coaching can deliver.
We hope that answers your question about… How long do Coaching Engagements last?
What can I expect from Coaching?
At Business Broker Coach, we only exist to see our clients excel and succeed in every area of their business and life. We’ll assist you to smash through roadblocks, learning what’s been holding you back, and have you hit your desired goals and targets, as quickly as humanly possible.
Our friendly team of client support professionals are eager to assist you at any time, whilst your coach will provide you with as much support as you require, both inside and outside your scheduled coaching sessions. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back, at every turn!
For those Business Brokers on our ‘Unlimited Support’ package, feel free to connect directly with your Coach at any given time you require assistance. Our coaches are normally available between the hours of 7am – 7pm, Monday to Friday.
No matter who you reach out to on our team, we will always get back to you promptly, at our earliest possible convenience, if we are not immediately available when you first reach out. We promise not to leave you out in the dark if you require assistance.
We hope that answers your question about… What can I expect from Coaching?
When will Coaching classes start?
This will depend largely on you and how quickly you complete our application process for Business Brokers and decide if you would like to proceed with joining our Coaching family!
It’s our express intention not to have you waiting any longer than is necessary, however at times, due to capacity, there may be a short waiting period, to join us as a client. The reason for this, is that we can only work with a certain number of One-on-One Business Coaching clients each year!
As soon as you’ve completed our application process, committed to being coached; signed and returned your coaching agreement and we’ve given you the green light, we will discuss with you a regular day and time for your Coaching classes to start.
We look forward to welcoming you to your coaching journey to even higher levels of success, as soon as humanly possible.
We hope that answers your question about… When will Coaching classes start?
How can results of a Coaching session be monitored?
This is an easy question to answer! Following the completion of each and every coaching session, we’ll send you a quick 8 question, 30 second survey by email, which we request you complete and return to us, within 24 hours.
This helps us to ensure the continuing escalation of your growth journey, along with your complete satisfaction from that day’s coaching session.
Over the last 11+ years, we’ve conducted literally thousands of coaching sessions and we’ll know whether or not, you are on or off track, to reach your desired goals.
Additionally, it’s important to know that we will do as much as we possibly can, to hold you, the Business Broker, accountable to your coaching commitments. Then…the rest is up to you!
We hope that answers your question about… How can results of a Coaching session be monitored?
Should I invest in a Business Coach?
Put simply, for ‘most’ Business Brokers or Agency Principals and CEO’s, the answer would be a resounding ‘YES’!
That is…if you have a genuine desire to put in the effort it takes to grow a much more resilient, strategic, high performance and more profitable business, than you’ve been able to do thus far, on your own.
If you are ready to unlock fully, your potential, learn what is holding you back, smash through your roadblocks, learn the secrets to listing more businesses ‘For Sale’, selling more and growing the business of your dreams, then we are confident that you too, would see that you should invest in a Business Coach, to assist you in achieving outstanding results.
We hope that answers your question about… Should I invest in a Business Coach?
Do I need a Business Coach?
do you? To be perfectly honest, without speaking to you first, this is not really a question that we can answer for you personally. The best way for us to answer this question, is to book a time with you for a confidential chat and to have you do a little exercise for us, in the meantime.
The exercise is as follows… You first need to analyse, understand, and acknowledge where you are currently at in your business. Think about what is preventing you from achieving your current goals, and answer honestly the questions below, for yourself…
- Do you know how ambitious you truly are?
- Are you willing to work incredibly hard to achieve the results you desire?
- Are you hungry for higher levels of success?
- Do you currently feel complacent and/or stuck in your growth trajectory at present?
- Are you exhausted from constantly seeing competitor Business Brokers with less skills, talents, knowledge, and experience, take business listings and sales away from you?
- Do you feel frustrated that no matter how consistently you work, you simply cannot seem to break through your current earnings ceiling?
- Do you feel you are working too many hours, especially for the results you are achieving?
- Do you think you could achieve your goals and desires, if only you knew what was preventing you and holding you back?
If you answered yes to some, or almost all these questions, then you’ve just answered your own question – Do I need a Business Coach?
If so, we’d love you to pick up the phone and call one of our friendly team today. They will assist you to book a confidential conversation with a Business Coach, so we can discuss your challenges and learn how we may be able to assist you moving forward, with a ‘no’ obligation ‘FREE’ Business Coaching Session.
We hope that answers your question about… Do I need a Business Coach?
How do I prepare for a Coaching Session?
This is simple! We’ve made this as easy as possible for you. We’ve created a Coaching Preparation Form for you to complete and return to us, 24 hours prior to each of your coaching sessions.
We’ve found the form helps you to get intentionally focused on your upcoming session and identify any immediate challenges that you’d really like to get our assistance with, during your coaching session that week, fortnight, month etc. It also helps you to acknowledge your successes since your last session, and allows you to advise us what you’d like to be held accountable for, moving forward?
Upon your return of this form to us, it ensures that we are fully briefed and prepared to deliver you a solid, high impact coaching session right from the outset!
The final thing you need to do, is complete any agreed tasks from the last Coaching session, in preparation for your upcoming session. This is an integral part of the accountability process for Business Brokers and assists greatly with your upward growth trajectory.
We hope that answers your question about… How do I prepare for a Coaching Session?
What are the benefits of Business Coaching?
Great Question! At Business Broker Coach we believe the benefits of Business Coaching are many and varied; and we could easily compile quite a lengthy list, however we’ll offer you seven quick and simple, yet powerful benefits for you to ponder over.
- A great Business Coach offers an objective opinion and often see’s what you don’t!
- They’ll ask plenty of questions designed to get you thinking creatively and differently about your business.
- They will challenge your business acumen and teach you how to look at future risks objectively.
- They’ll assist you to grow in self-confidence and self-belief.
- Assist you to build and run a more profitable organisation, by implementing a strategic roadmap to better support and achieve your business goals and objectives. Doing this far quicker and easier than you could ever do on your own.
- Teach you to ‘lead’ your organisation strategically, with heart, and a purpose; and to assist in implementing the vision, both short and long term.
- One final benefit to wrap things up, would be to help you gain more significant job and life satisfaction, stress less and to be a happier, healthier version of yourself, so you have more to offer your team and others, without compromising yourself.
We could go on and on, about the benefits of Business Coaching, for Business Brokers, however we’ll allow you to decide for yourself, whether or not you’d like to tap into any of the above benefits.
We hope that answers your question about… What are the benefits of Business Coaching?
How long should Sales Training be?
Interesting question! In our opinion, this should be determined via a multiple of factors. Firstly, what is the topic or subject matter to be covered in the Sales Training? Secondly, what is the purpose of the Sales Training and what is the desired outcome? Thirdly, based on the first two factors, what length of session would be ideal to cover the necessary subject matter.
If a topic is short and punchy, with little to no other associated subject matter to be covered, then this could potentially suit a one-hour long delivery and be delivered as a webinar or online meeting. Or in-person if that’s what’s required?
If the topic is a little more in-depth and is to include associated subject matter in the Sales Training presentation, along with the use of some roleplay or other exercises, utilization of varietal training methodologies, then a three-to-four-hour long (or half-day) training session may be more appropriate. Whilst this could be delivered online, in an online meeting or webinar format, it lends itself more particularly to an on-premises, or in-room training delivery.
Finally, a full-day Sales Training presentation, maybe what is required to sufficiently cover the subject matter. And to embed real, lasting change into an organisation, centred on their corporate value-driven goals, along with the use of longer engagement activities, case studies, exercises, workshops etc. Given that over the course of a full day (a six-to-eight-hour long training session), activities and training exercises, along with multiple breaks, including lunch, would need to be undertaken, so this is most definitely best delivered in an on-premises, or in-room training environment. In our experience, Business Brokers generally tend to respond much better to training with this style of delivery, over a longer Sales Training presentation. As opposed to an online training delivery, for a variety of reasons.
We hope that answers your question about… How long should Sales Training be?
How much does Sales Training cost?
Good question! This depends mainly on the length of the session required. Do you require a one-hour training session, which is great for Sales Meetings, a half-day training session or a full-day Sales Training session? If you are unsure, don’t worry, our training needs analysis, will help you discover the answer to this question.
Our Sales Training can be delivered on your premises, in a hired training venue or conference room of your choice, or equally, it can also be facilitated online.
Then there are additional factors you may need to consider? Like, catering for your training attendees, workbooks and other associated training material, and travel and accommodation expenses for the trainer, depending on where or how the training is to be delivered.
We are pleased to be in a position, to deliver customized Sales Training exclusively for Business Brokers, in either Australia or New Zealand.
In order to completely understand what it will cost to have us deliver training for your organisation, it would be best to call our office and organise a confidential chat with our Head of Training and Broker Growth Consultant, Darren M. Giles.
We hope that answers your question about… How much does Sales Training cost?
How to get Sales Training?
If you are the Business Owner / Principal or the Sales Manager of a Business Sales Brokerage, looking to get great Sales Training for your team of Business Brokers, then you’ve come to the right place.
At Business Broker Coach, we provide customized and tailored training solutions for your Business Brokers, that deliver fast, actionable, and measurable outcomes to you and your team.
No size of group is too large or too small. We can adequately cater from a few, to a few hundred Brokers and we’ll commence our discussions with you, by seeking your assistance to complete a training needs analysis. This will assist us to accurately diagnose, the ideal training solutions for your team.
We are just as happy to deliver a one-time Sales Training session or put together a structured learning series for your Brokers. It’s totally your choice!
When you’re ready to discuss unlocking your team’s full potential, reach out to one of our friendly team, to organise a confidential conversation with our Head of Training and Broker Growth Consultant, Darren M. Giles. We look forward to serving you!
We hope that answers your question about… How to get Sales Training?
What is the best Sales Training program?
answer to this question is simple! We believe the best Sales Training program, is one that is tailored and customized to the individual needs of your team of Business Brokers.
You see…no two specialty streams (niches), locations or market places are the same when it comes to selling businesses and therefore your training needs will vary accordingly.
We prefer to sit down with you and discuss the experience of your Brokers and their learning needs, as part of a full training needs analysis. From there, we will then design the best Sales Training program, that is specific to yours and your team’s individual requirements.
Over the last 11+ years we’ve been delivering Sales Training, we’ve found that this approach by far and away, delivers the absolute best results. Additionally, it provides an outstanding return on investment, in your most valuable asset – your team of Business Brokers.
We hope that answers your question about… What is the best Sales Training program?
Who has the best SalesTraining program?
Do you really have to ask – we do of course! Now seriously, did you really expect us to answer with something different?
Ok…truthfully, the answer to this question is debateable, not because we believe we have the best Sales Training here at Business Broker Coach, but because when you ask the question about who has the best Sales Training program, it depends on how you quantify this. In your opinion, what are the necessary prerequisites for the best Sales Training program?
We’re not in a position to speak for others, but what we can tell you is, that we survey all of our training attendees immediately after completing every Sales Training session and the feedback we receive from Business Brokers, consistently sees our Sales Training services rated at an average of 4.5Stars.
There are several companies in the marketplace who provide excellent Sales Training programs, and we are simply one of them. If you would like to discuss your Brokerage team’s individual needs, then please reach out to our friendly team today, to organise a confidential conversation with our Head of Training and Broker Growth Consultant, Darren Giles. We look forward to serving you!
We hope that answers your question about… Who has the best Sales Training program?
What are the resources required for Training?
Great Question! With our Sales Training for Business Brokers, we endeavour to make things as simple as possible for you, by providing you almost all the resources required for Training. We will be sure to advise you immediately upon accepting your booking, if we require you to provide any specific training resources.
Otherwise, once you’ve organised catering and selected the training venue of your choice for your Sales Training delivery, we’ll take care of the rest.
This usually includes the preparation of a Master Training Workbook (for full-day and half-day training sessions only) which you can then use to print the appropriate number of workbooks required for the attending members of your team. We’ll also provide the various templates, tools, plans, documents, letters, reports, scripts and dialogues etc. necessary to deliver a high impact training session for you.
We hope that answers your question about… What are the resources required for Training?
What is Business Consulting?
Another great question! For us, our Business Consulting services, specific to Business Brokers, is an individually tailored solution designed to ideally maximize, leverage, improve, grow, and scale your Brokerage business, in-line with your mission, vision, company values and organizational goals.
Often, the reason our clients come to us, is our in-depth market knowledge and experience, and to help them identify key areas of opportunity to improve systems, procedures, people, profit, and overall business performance.
Operationally, in the deployment of our services, we often find another benefit to come from our Business Consulting, is that it serves to de-risk the business by implementing analysis of, and structure into the organization where necessary. In turn, this assists in a reduction of our client’s stress levels and provides them the opportunity to take back control of their business and their personal lives.
Interested to find out more? Call one of our friendly team today, to organise a confidential conversation with our Broker Growth Consultant, Darren M. Giles.
We hope that answers your question about… What is Business Consulting?
How much does Business Consulting cost?
Great question! The cost of our Business Consulting services, specific to Business Brokers, very much depends on several variables. A few of these variables include… whether it’s project or needs based, long term or short term and whether we deliver the project as a sum of parts or as a whole. Our Business Consultancy can be tailored to suit your budget, no matter your specific requirements. As no two clients’ needs are ever the same.
We usually invite you to meet with us, to accurately identify the scope of works, along with your desired outcomes, benefits, results etc. you’d like to achieve, before making any recommendations and proposals, as to how we plan to deliver and perform the services. From there we will prepare and provide you with a customized quote and agreed scope of works for the project.
Darren M. Giles our resident Broker Growth Consultant is a MAUS Certified Business Advisor with 30+ years of business and industry experience.
We hope that answers your question about… How much does Business Consulting cost?
What does a Business Consultant do?
This is an easy question to answer! As we work exclusively with Business Brokers, a Business Consultant in our organisation is responsible for analysing and identifying areas within your brokerage that could be improved. Then they’ll strategize how these improvements could be implemented and executed; and discuss a suggested plan of action with you.
A Business Broker Coach, Business Consultant is a specialist in creating solutions that help a brokerage more efficiently meet their organisational goals, gain industry respect, and build their brand recognition and reputation in the marketplace, as a leading brokerage firm.
We hope that answers your question about… What does a Business Consultant do?
What kind of Payment Methods do you accept?
At Business Broker Coach, we understand the importance of ease and simplicity when it comes to payment methods and frequency of same, for our clients. We are proud to offer industry leading solutions that best suit your needs. So ultimately, the choice is yours!
Our facilities include direct debit payments from your bank account, or by using your credit card via one of our PCI DSS compliant merchants. You can be rest assured that both merchants we use, ensure your payments are safe, secure, and fully protected with industry grade encryption.
As an additional bonus, we can also offer you Consumer Financing (short term lending)options, if this is something that is of interest to you? If so, please talk to one of our friendly team today!
We hope that answers your question about… What kind of Payment Methods do you accept?
What does 30 Day Money Back Guarantee mean?
Great Question! Put simply, when you commit to our Weekly or Fortnightly One-on-One Business Coaching services for Business Brokers, we want you to be completely focused on getting the best possible value from your coaching and don’t want you to be worried about whether or not, coaching will work for you.
To offset any doubt you may have, we provide a 100%, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee on these two services. We are supremely confident that if you fully commit to coaching, you’ll benefit from our wealth of knowledge and 30+ years of industry and business experience. The only caveat is, you must put in the effort and play full out. As you will only get out of it, what you put into it!
We hope that answers your question about… What does 30 Day Money Back Guarantee mean?
How does Price Lock work?
This is another great question! It is somewhat like how Insurance works, by way of stepped or level premiums. If you’re familiar with those insurance terminologies, then think along the same lines as level premiums, with our unique Price Lock Guarantee.
If you are participating in Fortnightly or Weekly Coaching sessions, what it means is, that for as long as you remain a ‘continuing’ client, we promise to never raise the price of your Business Coaching sessions. As opposed to other coaching companies who often raise their prices once or twice every year.
Effectively, you benefit from your Price being Locked, and as you become more successful with the utilization of learning from your coaching, then the value you receive from your coaching exponentially increases. As does your return on investment. This then helps to drive down the cost of your coaching sessions, leaving them as almost neutral or even free in comparison, to a cost, earnings ratio.
We hope that answers your question about… How does Price Lock work?
How can I ask a question?
Easy! We’ve worked incredibly hard to build a great industry leading resource of our most Frequently Asked Questions, here, on our FAQ page, specific for Business Brokers. However, despite this, if you can’t find the answer to a question you’d like to ask, then simply scoot across to the Contact Us page of our website, where you’ll find it incredibly easy to ask your question, via your favourite method of communication.
If we are not available at the time, you can be rest assured that one of our friendly team will get back in touch with you promptly, to provide the answer to your question.
At Business Broker Coach, we very much look forward to serving you, and answering any other questions you may not find answers for here!
We hope that answers your question about… How can I ask a question?
What are your hours of operation?
Thanks for asking! At Business Broker Coach, we love nothing better than to serve our clients! Our regular hours of operation are Monday to Friday 7am – 7pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time).
With the very nature of Business Broking, we try to be as flexible as possible and make it super easy for our clients to contact us. Hence our team’s availability 12 hours per day, throughout the business week. We are ‘not’ open for business on a weekend.
We hope that answers your question about… What are your hours of operation?